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Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

About The DCA Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

About The DCA Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Owner: Steve Hone



The modern data centre is a complex and diverse combination of high tech and traditional industry disciplines which all need to seamlessly work together all under one roof.

The purpose of the DCA Special Interest Groups is to encourage and foster collaboration between fellow members and industry experts to:

  • Offer support and guidance for those tasked with managing their own digital infrastructure
  • Promote and encourage the adoption of best practice in all its forms
  • Contribute to the development of Standards
  • Encourage continued research and innovation

Existing Special Interest Groups include:


The DCA - Anti-Contamination, Filtration and Cleaning Group 

The DCA - Certification Requirements Group 

The DCA - Colocation Providers Group 

The DCA - Data Centre Commissioning Group

The DCA - Energy Efficiency Group

The DCA - Security Group

The DCA - Sustainability Group 

The DCA - Thermal Management Group 

The DCA - Workforce Development Group


If your organisation is an existing member of the DCA and you would like to apply to join one of these groups then please contact the DCA [email protected], equally if you an existing DCA Member and would like to discuss creating a new working group then we would be delighted to hear from you. [email protected]


Group Type: Special Interest Group

This group's membership is closed.


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