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The DCA - Sustainability SIG

The DCA - Sustainability SIG

Owner: Astrid Wynne


The purpose of the Sustainability Special Interest Group is to develop best practice in the UK data centre industry with respect to materials usage, energy efficiency, skills development and workforce retention in an operational data centre environment

The group aims to achieve this through:

- optimising energy efficiency at use phase

- expert insight into IT hardware and the effect on energy draw

- insight into the role of IT load with respect to this, including

a. the effect of full utilisation on efficiency as measured by compute power over energy

b. the ability of software to dematerialise hardware

c. minimising data transfer and storage, potentially leading to a sector Code of Conduct

- an understanding of the importance of Scope 3 emissions (also known as embodied energy) in the hardware, facility and building

- circular solutions for the IT hardware and other infrastructure

- circular solutions for heat, power and IT load

- use of renewable energy in the sector

- new technologies that can aid this

- existing and upcoming standards relating to this

- education of workforce with respect to sustainability insight and practice

Group Type: Special Interest Group


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