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Rentaload UK Ltd
Unit 44
Westwood Park Trading Estate

W3 0TH

United Kingdom


44 (0) 7388 334295


[email protected]



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Rentaload – Who are we?
Rentaload is a Load bank services company, based across the UK, as well as Europe.
Rentaload leverages its partners many years of experience in manufacturing load banks and as a result, is able to offer its clients rental/services solutions for resistive, inductive and capacitive load banks, built and optimized specifically for datacentres.
Rentaload can provide banks, accessories, and services such as set-up de-mobilization, assistance in commissioning, commissioning for multiple applications all over UK & Ireland: testing diesel generators, acceptance testing server rooms, ballasting, unloading, etc.

Rentaload in figures
•    More than 1000 load banks & server emulators available: from 6 kW up to 2,4 MW
•    A response within 24 hours
•    Warehouses in Wolverhampton & Dijon- France
•    More than 200 projects per year

Rentaload is renowned for and takes pride in its technical expertise and the quality of its products and services.
Most of the added value comes from the access to the data collected during and after the tests.
Rentaload commits itself to:
•    100% European manufacturing
•    A thorough preparation of the product being provided (fitted conditioning, setup, etc.)
•    Onsite or remote technical support
•    Turnkey Services
Rentaload is a true load bank solutions partner through every step of planning, set-up, testing


Rentaload is a true load bank solutions partner through every step of planning, set-up, testing and de-mobilisation; offering customer support. You can have confidence in our track record of more than 200 data center commissions per year all over Europe
Our field teams support installation, electrical connection and assistance during testing

Why testing with a load bank ?
 Rentaload Loadbanks provide a faster, better, safer, and ultimately a cheaper solution to test and maintain your critical power generation systems such as Generators, UPS, HVAC, Batteries.


Datacenter Solutions



Data centers are highly strategic places with equipment – servers, air conditioning, etc. – particularly sensitive to drops in power supply. Maintaining this equipment in operational conditions requires many protections and security means. A UPS, batteries, a generator set up the secondary backup network and ask to be tested regularly through a load bank.
In addition, before the operational launch of a data center, it is important to simulate the actual load of the future servers and to check that the behavior of the main network is correct. The best way is to use load banks (notional load) distributed in the future room to simulate the actual future load. This means also makes it possible to directly test whether the air conditioning and cooling means are compliant. The rack load banks  are thus precise and reliable means for verifying the reliability of an air conditioning. The recipe for a computer room therefore necessarily passes through tests in real life whose only means of realization is a load bank.

Rack-mounted Loadbank












Heatload – Floor standing heater