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Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices

      By Amanda

    Categories: Articles, Best Practices, Power

    Rentaload is a Load bank services company, based in France with offices in the UK and Germany, covering projects across the whole of Europe. Rentaload leverages its partners many years of experience in manufacturing load banks and as a result, offers its clients rental and services solutions for resistive, inductive and capacitive load banks, built and optimized specifically for datacentres. Rentaload provide banks, accessories, and services such as set-up de-mobilization, assistance in commissioning, commissioning for multiple applications all over Europe: testing diesel generators, acceptance testing for server rooms, dummy load, unloading, etc. 

    In this white paper we’re going to share some tips, field notes and best practices relating to the use of load banks in data center commissioning. This white paper will be of interest to Data Centre Managers, New Build Project Managers, Commissioning Engineers, Power and Cooling Suppliers and specialist data centre consultancies.


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