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Hydro-DENCO Data Centre Cooling product… it’s a bit of a beast

Hydro-DENCO Data Centre Cooling product… it’s a bit of a beast

Hydro Denco is a robust, reliable and proven range of Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units.

They represent the latest evolution in the 50 year history of Denco® products. Market leading energy efficiency is ensured through the use of Electronically Commutated (EC) fans for all equipment. A versatile controller, complete with touch screen graphic display, optimises system operation and can communicate all data, including real time energy usage, to external devices as required.

The range comprises three models, each with a single cooling circuit offering cooling capacities from 50kW, up to 200kW. Fans are mounted in the unit base section for downflow air delivery, with many options available regarding air inlet and discharge configuration. Equipment is generally supplied with only cooling as this is increasingly popular for standard data centre applications.

Each sensible cooling system incorporates a single water/glycol circuit offering cooling capacities from 50kW, up to 200kW with no restriction on pipe run between indoor and outdoor units. This system uses no refrigerants or mechanical cooling, offers a high degree of autonomy due to multiple independent systems, requires significantly less electrical infrastructure and is inherently efficient, taking heat directly from the indoor air and rejecting it directly to ambient air.

A HD system would be expected to provide an annualised partial Power Utilisation Effectiveness (PUE) of between 1.05 and 1.15, depending upon exact loading.

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