
GDPR & your privacy.

Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

Our new website – helping businesses to rethink energy

Our new website – helping businesses to rethink energy


Under the banner – Rethink your business energy – we’ve refreshed and recently relaunched our website to better reflect how we work and how we’re set up to deliver for our clients.

Here’s a snapshot of the main changes:

  • The site presents a new suite of services, especially focused on net zero and compliance, and dynamic risk management. Because these services are in high demand right now, we’ve aligned ourselves with what our customers want and responded attentively with new offerings. See Services here: https://noveusenergy.com/services/
  • There’s also a stronger focus on the sectors we operate in, including our work with data centres, independent schools, and in corporate and commercial. With the new website, we want to communicate that we deliver results by only acting for select clients in handpicked sectors, with a dedicated team that understands each of our client’s specific requirements. See Sectors here: https://noveusenergy.com/sectors/

Bob Collinson, Managing Director at Noveus Energy, said:

“With our new website, we’re demonstrating how we excel where other energy consultants simply do not deliver. So, if businesses are feeling let down by the service and level of delivery they’re receiving, we’re here to help them rethink their business energy.

“Here at Noveus Energy, we’re proud to have set ourselves up as a boutique consultancy. This means our clients get a highly attentive and personal service with bespoke solutions aligned to their business. Our message is: let’s start a conversation and help you to rethink your business energy.”

