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Noveus Energy releases its latest technical briefing: Your renewable energy options explained

Noveus Energy releases its latest technical briefing: Your renewable energy options explained



Towards the end of 2021, COP26 shone a light on climate change, while climate- saving directives such as net-zero were already turning attention to the need for more renewables. As 2022 gets underway, it is Noveus Energy's view that the supply of renewable energy will only increase, as both businesses and consumers demand zero carbon energy from suppliers alike. Importantly, government net zero policy will drive out coal (and eventually gas) in exchange for renewable generation.

The company's latest technical briefing is aimed at people involved in energy purchasing decisions within an organisation - the people likely keeping a keen eye on the renewables market and the source of greener supplies. If you're one of these people, what are your options, and do you have enough clear-cut information to make informed decisions? You may even be asking what’s the difference between REGO and GoO, and how do I know that energy is truly ‘green’?

In its latest technical briefing, the Noveus Energy team has broken down the renewable energy options available, including a definition for each one, how you can purchase and likely costs. It’s presented in a table format, enabling readers to compare options easily. They've even busted some of the jargon by providing a glossary of terms in use across the market. Finally, there's a section on what’s next, helping readers to understand things like a Corporate Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA), REGOs and GoOs, bundled and unbundled options, as well as additionality.

To download the report click here...https://dca-global.org/file/view/10578/technical-briefing-your-renewable-energy-options-explained

If you would like to discuss any of the points contained in this briefing, please contact James Jenkins directly on 07535 777048 or email [email protected]
