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VIDEO - Dr Jon Summers - Explores the widley misunderstood and misused Metric that is PUE Part 2

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This presentation is brought to you on behalf of the DCA's Sustainability Special Interest Group and provides an overview of what is currently available, under development and missing in data centre sustainability. In this session Dr Jon Summers, Scientific Lead in Data Centres at Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) explores the widely misunderstood PUE metric. Jon is regarded by his peers as a leading academic in the domain of data centre research from the ground to the cloud and the chip to the chiller in the Nordics. Jon is also an Adjunct Professor in Fluid Mechanics at Lulea University of Technology in Sweden, where he is involved in supervising research around thermal and energy management of microelectronic systems from the small scale to actual data centres. Jon was instrumental role in the formation of the DCA over 10 years ago and that support continues today as an active member of the DCA Advisory Board.

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