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Is your lighting compromising your data security?


Steve Mansell, Divisional Director of Critical Facilities for Zumtobel Group


If you’re in the business of data, you’ll know that it’s a valuable asset that must be protected. You’ll also be acutely aware that wherever there is data, there is risk, and not just to your data. Physical security – the protection of people, property and assets should also be considered for their potential vulnerabilities.

While data centres are famously secure, ‘6 layers deep’ in some cases, data theft still occurs. With a number of high-profile cases in the media, questions have been rightly raised over cybersecurity in the Internet of Things (IoT) and unfortunately, lighting and lighting control systems are not immune.

Steve Mansell, Divisional Director of Critical Facilities for Zumtobel Group, looks at how building services, such as lighting and controls, could be increasing your risk.

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