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The UK tech sector and net-zero - sector decarbonisation, international leadership, and the role of technology in meeting wider green challenges

By Steve Hone

Date / Time:
Thursday, 6th May 2021
08:30 to 13:00
Westminster Forum Projects
Contact details:
Michael Ryan, Deputy Editor, Westminster eForum
Registration link:

Areas for discussion include:

  • priorities and challenges for sector decarbonisation
  • enhancing international collaboration, and the UK’s leadership role as it prepares to host the UN COP26 climate conference later this year
  • the role of technology in supporting wider industry to meet net-zero targets


The agenda

  • Priorities for decarbonising the UK tech sector and securing  buy-in from industry leaders, supply chains and consumers
  • Developing the tech circular economy - reusability by design, reducing waste, and meeting the challenge of proliferation of devices
  • Innovation in hard-to-decarbonise settings - data centre management, use of heating and cooling systems, and improving energy efficiency across manufacturing
  • COP26 and advancing international collaboration - sustainable supply chains, greater transparency on the sector’s carbon footprint, and fostering robust regulatory and legal frameworks
  • The role of technology in supporting wider industry to meet net-zero targets
  • Priorities for establishing UK leadership in decarbonising the tech sector
