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Commissioning Group inaugural opening meeting at DCW2020 on the DCA stand D1264

By Paul Smethurst

Date / Time:
Wednesday, 11th March 2020 - 09:30
to Thursday, 12th March 2020 - 17:00
Conference and Exhibition
paul smethurst
Contact details:
07774752858 [email protected]
DCW 2020
stand D1264

If I suggest we try earlier on day 1 for a quick discussion then we can see about promoting other people to join over the 2 days of the event.

It is obviuosly a NEW topic to talk about and can also bring more people onto the DCA stand to help promote the efforts of Steve & Amanda.

I have invited Mark King at 2BM to join this morning so hopefuly we can increase the numbers by the end of DCW week.

