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Data Centre World - Paris

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Wednesday, 27th November 2019 - 09:00
to Thursday, 28th November 2019 - 17:00
Conference and Exhibition
CloserStill Media
Contact details:
Delegate Relationship Manager T: +33 (0) 1 78 90 03 95
Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris, France
Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris, France
Registration link:


The show is co-hosted with  Cloud Expo Europe ,  Cloud & Cyber ​​Security Expo ,  DevOps Live  & Big Data World . Together, they form for 4 years now the biggest gathering of technological experts in France.

With more than 6,000 expected visitors , leaders or visionaries recognized in the industry, the show is the largest b2b event in France reserved for data center experts in the context of the growing digitization of the economy. From energy efficiency to cost management to robotics and automation, discover the solutions to explore the full potential of your data center.

Remember to book the next dates in your Cloud Expo Europe calendar, Data Center World, Cloud Security Expo & Big Data World, which will take place in Paris Porte de Versailles on 27-28 November 2019.



Why you should visit Data Centre World - Paris?


Meet  200 leading national and international  exhibitors from the Data Center industry including  ABB, Conteg, Eaton, Efirack, Eneria, GS Yuasa, Katana, Legrand, MTU Onsite Energy, Mitsubishi Electric, Munters, Riello UPS, SAIA Burgess Controls, Siemens, Socomec , Traka, Vertiv ...

Build, exchange and consolidate your network with 6000 professional visitors  from industry and the public sector who are expected on the 2 days of the event.

Join industry leaders and market experts , supplement your knowledge as a specialist to stand out through competitive advantage and bring customer relationship to another level.  

Understand everything about energy efficiency, DCIM, physical security, the Edge, cooling, visual security, infrastructure security , etc ... to make you a forerunner in the business of tomorrow.  

Learn from  250 industry stakeholders  who will share their visions and inspirations to get the most out of a data center:  ADEME, Cap Ingelec, EDF, Equinix, France DataCenter, Gimelec, IBM, Microsoft France ...

