
GDPR & your privacy.

Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

University of Hertfordshire


University of Hertfordshire
College Lane
AL10 9AB

AL10 9AB

United Kingdom


+44 (0)1707 28 49 09


[email protected]



Social Links:

The University of Hertfordshire was the first European university to comply with the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres, and was recognised in the Datacenter Leaders Awards 2010, the EAUC Green Gown Awards 2011 & the Uptime Institute GEIT AwardsTM 2011.

The University is the UK’s leading business-facing university and an exemplar in the sector. It is innovative and enterprising and challenges individuals and organisations to excel. The University of Hertfordshire is one of the region’s largest employers with over 2,300 staff and a turnover of almost £231 million. With a student community of over 27,700 including more than 2,900 international students from over eighty-five different countries, the University has a global network of over 170,000 alumni.

Reason for joining DCA:
To help to provide thought leadership in communicating best practices for efficient data centres, and contribute to the Green IT Agenda