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Energy Managers Association


N105 Vauxhall Studio,
Durham Street,

SE11 5JH

United Kingdom


0203 1762 834


[email protected]



Social Links:

The Energy Managers Association (EMA) was set up by Lord Redesdale in June 2012 to act as the voice of the Energy Management profession. Lord Redesdale, who has worked in energy policy for a number of years, was surprised to find a lack of cohesion in a field that will be key to the UK meeting its energy requirements.

The EMA aims to:                          

Improve the standing of the Energy Management profession and those working within it
Establish best-practice in Energy Management
Put Energy Management at the heart of British business

EMA membership is on an individual (non-corporate) basis though it already represents Energy Managers from companies with a collective energy spend of around £6 billion.

The EMA believes that the best way to influence policy is not to only answer questions on consultations but to help Government to ask the right questions in the first instance.

In this way, EMA presents itself as a knowledge base to government in issues around Energy Management. It is no secret that legislation cannot be changed overnight and the EMA works closely with BEIS, DEFRA, HM Treasury and DfE so that future policy works for practitioners rather than just on paper.

Networking, Events and Working Groups
EMA understands that industry – and hence Energy Managers – are more evenly dispersed across the UK than policy makers. While EMA offices are located a short walk from Westminster, the EMA is keen to include all Energy Managers in the discussions which affect them. This is done by holding working groups, members meetings and topical conferences at locations around the country.