
GDPR & your privacy.

Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

Cloud Industry Forum


PO Box 4160


United Kingdom


01628 640060


[email protected]



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About the Cloud Industry Forum

The Cloud Industry Forum was established in 2009 to provide transparency through certification to a Code of Practice for credible online Cloud service providers and to assist end users in determining core information necessary to enable them to adopt these services.
Our Mission


The Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), is a not for profit company limited by guarantee, and is an industry body that champions and advocates the adoption and use of Cloud-based services by businesses and individuals.

CIF aims to educate, inform and represent Cloud Service Users, Cloud Service Providers, Cloud Infrastructure Providers, Cloud Resellers, Cloud System Integrators and international Cloud Standards organisations.

Our Goals

    To sustain a credible and certifiable Code of Practice for the Cloud Industry.
    To continually encourage the widespread adoption of the Code of Practice by industry players.
    To champion the widespread adoption and use of Cloud services by providing expertise and knowledge through our membership and accreditation programmes
    To Champion the adoption of cloud services based upon the trust and assurance that can be achieved through the Code of Practice
    To leverage the Code of Practice through international affiliations and partnerships.
    To support other appropriate Cloud-based initiatives that complement the purpose of the Code of Practice


Our Collaborations

The Cloud Industry Forum is a member of the Cloud Select Industry Group organized by and providing advice to the European Commission (DG Connect), and is participating in its working groups on cloud certifications, cloud codes of conduct, and cloud service level agreements. It is also a member of the EC (DG Connect's) Cloud Computing Expert Group.

The Cloud Industry Forum is represented in the BSI's mirror committee to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 which is responsible for cloud computing, and through that in SC38 itself.

The Cloud Industry Forum was set up by and operates in conjunction with the Federation against Software Theft Ltd, a leading authority on software intellectual property protection and representative body for the software industry.