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AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies


Feldgasse 19
8200 Austria




+43 (0)3112 5886 470


[email protected]



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AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies, headquartered in track village, was founded in 1988 as a research institute and is now one of the leading institutes in the field of applied research.

AEE INTEC is concerned with the investigation of scientific and technological fundamentals for solar thermal energy use, with the development of low-energy and zero-energy buildings, as well as their efficient energy supply systems. The third relevant area deals with energy efficiency in industry.

In these areas, the link between component and system development spans the test up to the initiation and monitoring of demonstration systems. In addition, the Institute advises and provides know-how. AEE INTEC With around 50 people are currently employed, of which around 40 make up the permanent staff. With 2-3 dissertations, 5 to 10 students, interns and student assistants, the Institute also contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists