
GDPR & your privacy.

Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

CornerStone GRG Ltd


8 City Rd,




United Kingdom


+44 (0)203 405 4956


[email protected]



Social Links:


We provide a range of Security Design, Engineering and Risk Management Services.

CornerStone is an award winning, independent security consultancy firm providing a range of Security Design, Engineering and Risk Management Services. We help organisations protect their people, premises, intellectual property and profits by identifying security threats and minimising the risks that today's global businesses face.

We provide some of the largest and most successful companies in the world with expert guidance, unbiased advice and support across our specialist areas of activity.

Who we work with
CornerStone work with some of the largest and most successful companies in the world.

We operate across a range of sectors and throughout the world. Our services have been developed to ensure that we are able to meet any challenge and our delivery process ensures a consistent and high quality response every time.

We provide a best practice approach to security, incorporating the highest international standards and local practices.
We reduce capital and operational expenditure.
We standardise the approach to operational and system security in partnership with our clients.
We become fully culturally embedded within client operations to drive continuous improvement.

Security Awards 

Winners, SFEA Security Consultant of the Year 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 & 2023

Winners, National Building & Construction Awards Consultancy of the Year 2020, 2021 & 2022

Winners, OSPAs Outstanding Security Performance Award 2018

Winners, SEA International Achievement Award 2011