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Learn About Trending Topics—5G and Power Management—and Gain CECs, Too! Participate in Upcoming Webinars.

Learn About Trending Topics—5G and Power Management—and Gain CECs, Too! Participate in Upcoming Webinars.



If you are an IT professional or data center manager, take advantage of a pair of upcoming webinars to learn about—and prepare for—the unprecedented demands of connectivity and the forever-changed network landscape of the future.

Take Advantage and Enhance Your Learning. Attend These Live Webinars. (And Gain BICSI CECs, Too!)
Intelligent Power: A Plan for Using Data to Optimize Efficiency
Date: July 22, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. CDT
Duration: 60 minutes

Managing today's data centers with a focus on overall efficiency and bottom-line return on investment (ROI) means managers must invest for today and plan for tomorrow. But while intelligent power is driving better availability, efficiency, manageability, and security, the planning does not simply stop with deploying intelligent power distribution units (PDUs).

In this webinar, Chatsworth Products' (CPI) Sr. Product Manager of Power and Electronics, Ashish Moondra, and Sunbird® Software’s Vice President of Product Management and Marketing, James Cerwinski, reveal how a strategy that captures capacity and efficiency data can be used to foster continuous ROI, ensuring that existing infrastructure is being utilized properly, minimizing the overall consumption of the data center and planning for the future by building estimates for reached capacity.
Register here.

Drilling Down On 5G Network Infrastructure
Date: July 15, 2021
Time: 12:00 p.m. CDT
Duration: 60 minutes
Hosted by: Cabling Installation & Maintenance
Portions of the event description below authored by Cabling Installation & Maintenance
*The granting of 1 Continuing Education Credit for this webcast by BICSI does not imply or suggest that BICSI approves or endorses this event.  

New 5G networks, same infrastructure? Not so fast. As the Internet of Things increases the need for faster upload, download and streaming speeds, 5G wireless has become a driving force in delivering quick, reliable connections for high volumes of connected devices in the workplace, at home and in shared, public spaces. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented demands on connectivity and forever changed the network landscape in favor of unconstrained optical networks built on 5G and fiber. Join CPI Product Application Specialist, Tom Cabral, as well as experts from Sterlite and CommScope as they provide participants insights about 5G indoor requirements and reference architectures focusing on in-building and campus deployments.

Register here
