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WHITEPAPER - Why Energy Strategy Is Key To Data Centre Growth

WHITEPAPER - Why Energy Strategy Is Key To Data Centre Growth




“Why energy strategy is key to data centre growth” is the new white paper from Enel X.

In it, sector experts examine how data centres can cut emissions while supporting grid innovation.

We explore how embracing a holistic energy strategy can help data centres to:

  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Increase profitability
  • Enhance operational resilience
  • Support a dynamic grid system

If the growing global appetite for data consumption is to be matched by data centre growth, data centre operators and energy companies need to work together to deliver a sustainable, scalable and reliable service. By taking action that supports grid stability and furthers the growth of renewable energy use, data centres can contribute to a more secure energy future for everyone, while simultaneously clearing a pathway for their own growth.

I trust that you will find value in the contents of this white paper. Should you have any questions or if you would like to add your voice to the conversation, please drop me a line.

For now, I invite you to download your copy of “Why energy strategy is key to data centre growth” by clicking here: www.enelx.com/datacentres


Kind regards,

David Johnston

Customer Success Manager

Enel X UK

E: [email protected]

M: +44 (0)7785 957788

