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Keysource Partners with Mates in Mind

Keysource Partners with Mates in Mind

Keysource, global data centre and critical environment specialists, have officially partnered with workplace mental health charity Mates in Mind. The charity is focused on raising awareness, addressing the stigma of poor mental health and promoting positive mental wellbeing across places of work. The announcement comes after Keysource leaders recognised the increased strain on mental health whilst the pandemic continues to disrupt the work and life balance of employees. 

Kate Midgley, Head of Compliance & Risk at Keysource said: “We recognise that now more than ever there is a strain on mental health for many people of all ages and demographics. We are all adapting our ways of working to tackle the additional pressure that COVID-19 working brings, whether remotely, in offices or onsite. We encourage all our employees to talk, whether they are struggling through the impact of COVID-19 or need support for mental health in anyway at all for them or their wider family network.

“We’ve had mental health first aiders and employee assistance programmes for a few years and felt the “Mates in Mind” charity would complement these services helping us reach more people. We also really recognise the importance of a different and less formal approach through check ins and chats - actively encouraging everyone to start a conversation.”

Staff at Keysource have been encouraged to prioritise their mental health, communicating with them the typical signs that come with mental health and wellbeing struggles:

- Avoiding contact with people or neglecting their regular activities

- Difficulty sleeping, negative thoughts or low self-esteem

- A change in appetite, irritability or a general sense of emptiness

- Any of these symptoms persisting for more then two weeks.

In a bulletin sent throughout the company that announced the new partnership, employees have been encouraged to look for these key signs in themselves and colleagues and to reach out to start a conversation with help and support through Mental Health First Aiders, confidential support services or a GP.
