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Green IT Amsterdam Survey – Green IT Barometer 2019

Green IT Amsterdam Survey – Green IT Barometer 2019

This survey aims to assess the number of computers and office equipment present in companies and more generally the maturity of companies in the use of eco-responsible digital services.

This is the third edition of this survey called Green IT Barometer.

The first two editions, 2015 and 2017, have been the subject of two publications: http://alliancegreenit.org/publications (in French only)

Answering this survey will allow you to:

  • Know the best practices, thanks to the game of questions
  • Measure your level of maturity
  • Compare your results

From October 1st, 2019 to January 31st, 2020, all companies can answer in an entirely anonymous way the online questionnaire on:


Practical information:

  • The duration of the questionnaire is estimated at 30 minutes if you are able to answer questions directly.
  • You can return at any time on the questionnaire, answer several times from the same browser, your previous answers are saved.
  • In case of modification, only the last answer will be taken into account.
  • It is advisable to involve in this questionnaire the different services of your organization (purchase, headquarters, IT department… etc.)

In April 2020, the results will be published, in a strictly anonymous way.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your answer is invaluable to us to constitute the most representative sample of companies in Europe.
