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CNET working in Global Education Partnership with Broadgroup

CNET working in Global Education Partnership with Broadgroup

CNet is pleased to announce that it is now the official Global Education Partner with media technology company, BroadGroup and their global Datacloud events series. Together, CNet and BroadGroup will work to unite industry leaders and influencers to raise awareness of the importance of competence and confidence within the digital infrastructure industry and how it can play a key role in making a difference within the data center sector.

CNet deliver data center and network infrastructure education across the globe. The wide range of education programs form the Global Digital Infrastructure Education Framework from a level 3 up to the world only Masters Degree in Data Center Leadership and Management.

BroadGroup has grown to be one of the most recognizable names throughout the industry, by successfully building and hosting a number of events aimed at professionals within the data center, IT infrastructure and cloud industry. As a result, it has built a reputation respected by sponsors, attendees and speakers. Datacloud events bring together leading professionals from across the industry, allowing for networking, learning and attending insightful presentations and participation in panel sessions.

CNet will be present at all of the Datacloud events, including the next event, Datacloud Asia in Singapore on 22 March and the popular Datacloud Europe and Datacloud Awards held in Monaco every June, where CNet will be speaking on Day 1 (June 13). Other Datacloud events this year will be held throughout Europe, Asia and in Africa.

Philip Low, Chairman of BroadGroup said: “This is exciting news for both BroadGroup and CNet. We believe working together will strengthen the message of the importance of education in the sector and I’m excited to see CNet at the Datacloud events in the coming year.”

Andrew Stevens, CNet’s President and CEO said: “I am delighted that CNet is the official Global Education Partner with BroadGroup. I personally look forward to attending their high profile and well respected Datacloud events across the world, and working together to unite industry leaders and influencers to discuss the important issues that surround us all.”

Please visit www.broad-group.com/events to see a full list of Datacloud events.
