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Asperitas and EcoRacks receive grant for first super energy efficient immersed computing Data Centre

Asperitas and EcoRacks receive grant for first super energy efficient immersed computing Data Centre

The Dutch Ministryof Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is granting Asperitas and EcoRacks a so called Demonstration Energy Innovation (DEI) grant for the super energy efficient and first Immersed Computing® datacenter project in The Netherlands. A limited number of projects are selected for this grant every year to demonstrate innovative technologies with a strong potential environmental impact on an international scale.

Immersed Computing has been developed by the Dutch cleantech companyAsperitas, which launched their liquid cooled datacenter in a box solution one year ago. Already in an early stage the innovation has been recognized as a cleantech innovation by the Dutch governmental body Netherlands Enterprise, which granted an innovation grant during the R&D phase of Asperitas. Prior to the market launch their technology was selected to be listed as an energy efficiency solution for industry users in The Netherlands, allowing for a tax deduction when investing in Immersed Computing technology specifically.

EcoRacks is deploying a dedicated Immersed Computing datacenter hall in their Eindhoven facility. The project is a direct upgrade of their facility to serve high-density customers. With the Immersed Computing systems of Asperitas EcoRacks is facilitating 300 kW of IT power on a 40m2 floorspace and reducing the need for cooling systems for this dedicated hall to a 1% power share only. According to EcoRacks the technology is allowing for a drastic decrease of CAPEX and OPEX while being able to facilitate high density demanding customers looking for a scalable infrastructure solution. Asperitas Immersed Computing systems are developed for flexible and scalable deployment with limited infrastructure requirements. The project is selected for a DEI grant specifically for the energy efficiency impact.

Asperitas will be sharing more on the EcoRacks project, technology developments and announce new partnerships at CloudFest in Germany from the 13-15th March, 2018.
