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QiO Technologies Shortlisted for Two Prestigious Technology Awards

QiO Technologies Shortlisted for Two Prestigious Technology Awards



QiO’s innovative sustainability AI products have been shortlisted for two awards for technology excellence in the UK IT Industry Awards.

The technology excellence category recognises products which make the biggest contribution to business technology and help share the future of industry.

QiO will be a finalist in the awards for AI Innovation of the Year and Green Technology Innovation of the Year at the ceremony which takes place in November 2023.

The awards scheme is run by the BCS, the UK’s Chartered Institute for IT and Computing and widely regarded as the most prestigious in the UK IT industry.

Rajan Pandhar, CEO of QiO Technologies said: “We are delighted to get recognition for the positive impact our sustainability AI delivers for organisations who want to improve resource efficiency, reduce GHG emissions and accelerate on the path to Net Zero.”

