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It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

Ready to unravel the mysteries of data centres? Introducing the all-new "Demystifying Digital Infrastructure" DDI podcast

Ready to unravel the mysteries of data centres? Introducing the all-new "Demystifying Digital Infrastructure" DDI podcast



Introducing the all-new "Demystifying Digital Infrastructure" DDI podcast

Hosted by Mark Yeeles, VP of Secure Power Division for UK&I, this podcast dives into insightful conversations with industry thought leaders in the digital and data centre domain.  From renewable energy to streaming services, and from AI to data centres and the cloud, join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities facing the digital infrastructure sector, and unveil the truth about the organisations keeping us powered and connected each day. Be part of the conversation as we debunk the misconceptions of the digital infrastructure sector, and share the incredible stories of the people and the businesses, transforming life as we know it through tech.

Tune in to our inaugural episode with Tom Gorman, Senior Director EMEA Operations at Digital Realty as he dives into the pressing sustainability challenges the data centre sector is facing in Ireland and beyond. He also talks about the rapidly evolving world of AI and its impact on the data centre industry.

Join us in this transformative venture – ensure you never miss an episode by subscribing to your preferred podcast platform.  Listen now - https://www.se.com/uk/en/work/solutions/for-business/data-centers-and-networks/podcasts.jsp
