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The August Edition of the Energy Advice Hub Highlights is now available!

The August Edition of the Energy Advice Hub Highlights is now available!



The August Edition of the Energy Advice Hub Highlights is now available!

Energy Advice Hub Highlights

While August is on its way out, new funding, policy changes, and technology are on their way in.
This month, we’re covering:

The government has officially confirmed that the UK Sustainability Disclosure Standards (UK SDS) will follow guidelines set by the International Financial Reporting Standards’ (IFRS) Foundation and International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) starting from 2024. We've covered everything you need to know about the shift in the standards management.

Applications for Phase II of the Swimming Pool Support Fund will open 4 September. Make sure you know all of the details on how to submit for funding.

Among the emerging contenders in the realm of clean energy, white hydrogen stands to be another hopeful contender in the energy mix. We’ve highlighted the ins and outs of white hydrogen – and the bottom line of its impact on business.

In this latest exclusive, Sustainable Energy First's Chief Commercial Officer Anthony Mayall explores why the long-term business case for net zero commitments will hold tight. Read more here.

Seventeen green hydrogen projects have been shortlisted to receive revenue support from the UK government. The contracts are expected to be awarded in Q4 of this year with plans to fund up to 250MW of electrolytic hydrogen projects across England, Scotland and Wales.

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Whether you're looking to comply with low carbon policy or accelerate your net zero journey, we've got hundreds more articles to help. Explore our Energy Advice Hub for more info, or speak to an expert by getting in touch with us at Sustainable Energy First.

