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Datacloud ESG Summit: Securing a Sustainable Future for Digital Infrastructure

Datacloud ESG Summit: Securing a Sustainable Future for Digital Infrastructure





Broadgroup, a leading platform for digital infrastructure events, is proud to announce the launch of Datacloud ESG Summit, set to take place on September 26-27, 2023, in Oslo, Norway. This curcial event will bring together global leaders in the digital infrastructure industry to address the pressing need for sustainable IT infrastructure and ESG practices.

With the global carbon neutral data centre market projected to reach $16.53 billion by 2027, the Datacloud ESG Summit aims to capitalize on this tremendous opportunity while acknowledging the industry's shared responsibility to combat climate change. Data centre operators, cloud providers, hyperscalers, enterprise representatives, equipment vendors, energy providers, real estate experts, financiers, telcos, tower operators, construction companies, and regulators will convene in Oslo to explore, discuss, and collaborate on sustainable solutions for the future.

"Datacloud ESG Summit will serve as a platform for industry leaders to guarantee that the digital infrastructure of the future will be green," said Sophia Simpson, Head of Research – Europe & Asia of Broadgroup. "We believe in the power of collective action and the potential for change when we work together. This event will foster open conversations, facilitate knowledge exchange, and demonstrate that sustainable transformation is not only necessary but achievable."

The event will feature a two-day conference format, providing participants with a valuable opportunity to network, trade, and learn from experts across various domains. Attendees can expect engaging panel discussions, keynote speeches, practical advice sessions, case studies, regional studies, and regulation focuses. Key themes on the agenda include ensuring a sustainable operating model, understanding energy efficiency laws for data centres, attracting sustainable digital infrastructure investments, and developing a sustainable talent pipeline.

"The Datacloud ESG Summit stands out as the only event that brings together leaders from data centres, network infrastructure, cooling, energy, finance, and enterprise spaces to collectively address sustainable challenges and financing solutions," added Simpson. "By participating, companies can position themselves as thought leaders and strategic partners in pursuing sustainable business practices."

Join the Datacloud ESG Summit in Oslo to spearhead the future of sustainable digital infrastructure, learn from global influencers, and position your company as a pioneer in the green data centre revolution.

For more information and registration details, please visit the official Datacloud ESG Summit website at https://events.broad-group.com/DatacloudESGSummit.

About Broadgroup

BroadGroup was founded in 2002 and today provides a global slate of premier C-level conferences in the US and Europe.It is the leading company facilitating high-level strategic networking and learning for data centre, cloud, edge and the entire global IT infrastructure ecosystem, encompassing everything from technological developments to M&A and beyond.
