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Techbuyer reaches Sustainability Goals two years ahead of time

Techbuyer reaches Sustainability Goals two years ahead of time




In 2015, the UN created 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) as part of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They have become the world’s leading framework to promote sustainability as they offer a pathway to end extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.

In 2019, Techbuyer set a total of nine targets in 2019 relating to Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education and Responsible Consumption and Production. We chose these goals because they were important to the business, our stakeholders and in areas in which we could make a measurable difference. Our original deadline was October 2025.

Techbuyer has recently hit three of its UN SDG targets, which are:

  • To log 15,000 hours of physical activity for our colleagues’ good health and wellbeing
  • To achieve £3 million in savings for educational institutions
  • To promote Sustainable Technology to 5,000 institutions

These targets have a deadline year of 2025, so we have achieved well ahead of schedule.

“As a global organisation we are proud to be able to align our own ESG efforts with a number of the UN Sustainability Development Goals focused specifically on where we feel we can take meaningful action and make a real difference,” says Steve Sexton, Techbuyer Group Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer. “I am honoured that we have reached three of our SDG targets ahead of time, and that we hold the prestigious 5-star rating from Support the Goals. Sustainability is at the heart of everything Techbuyer, and being able to formally see the difference we are making by striving for our chosen SDG goals is central to how we work with and engage with our customers, suppliers and stakeholders.”

Techbuyer is a global IT company based in Harrogate, UK, with sites in the USA, France, Germany, New Zealand and Australia. Specialising in the buying, selling and refurbishing of data centre and networking equipment, Techbuyer ensure that more used, excess and redundant IT equipment is turned into high quality hardware and is reused rather than sent to landfill before its end of life.

 The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are set of 17 Goals designed by the UN to tackle poverty, inequality and climate change. Organisations can choose targets within each of these goals to pursue.

Link to our goals and progress page here
