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Elite coaching for data centres

Elite coaching for data centres


Jeff Safovich, CTO, RiT Tech


The Kfar Saba-based business has been awarded funding to advance its risk prediction and proactive mitigation recommendations capability, which once fully matured will warn of any potential asset and system failures and propose strategies to evade them.

Autonomously analysing big data harvested from across a data centre’s entire ecosystem, the hi-tech solution down selects the most effective and efficient course of action – or inaction – to take and is the technological equivalent of recruiting an elite sports coach, according to RiT Tech’s head of product and innovation.

“No matter the sporting discipline, athletes and teams at the top level look for marginal gains, those incremental advantages that accrue to produce optimal performance – whereas our system will go the extra mile, delivering major gains to data centre owners,” explained Jeff Safovich.

“Just as winning on a basketball court or football pitch is a team effort, the smooth running of a data centre is dependent on a holistic approach; having all its ‘players’ working in unison and complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

“Our risk prediction and proactive mitigation recommendations project is focussed on achieving that effect,” Safovich continued. “It will collect and analyse metrics of all types in granular detail and flag statistically significant trends just like the best footballing scout; it will be able to identify the best formation and tactics for specific ‘match’ scenarios and it will do so much quicker – and with far less margin of error – than any human."

“Importantly, like the best coaches, such a capability is not reliant on having the best or newest equipment to work with, it will find the winning formula by orchestrating its composite parts to optimal effect.”  

Describing the IIA award as the initiative’s first major victory, Safovich concluded: “The team at RiT Tech are immensely proud to receive this further endorsement from the IIA – an organisation that applies a rigorous criterion to funding applications and only issues awards to those businesses breaking new ground." 

“To be recognised for a second year is tremendous and is another confirmation of our Universal Intelligent Infrastructure Management strategy and vision.”

