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CNet Training Launch the Network Infrastructure Fundamentals (NIF) Program

CNet Training Launch the Network Infrastructure Fundamentals (NIF) Program





CNet Training Launch the Network Infrastructure Fundamentals (NIF) Program

The global leader in technical education for the digital infrastructure industry, CNet Training, has today announced the launch of a new program; Network Infrastructure Fundamentals (NIF), for those seeking to gain detailed knowledge in the field of telecommunications network infrastructure.

The program delivers an in-depth understanding of the principles of communications systems, an understanding of voice and data communications technologies, and how to relate that information to the complexity of the physical network required.  It also de-mystifies the technical terminology that permeates all extends of network infrastructure, using simple language, clear explanations and useful analogies.

The NEW Network Infrastructure Infrastructure Fundamentals is an 8-hour distance learning or a one-day Instructor-led program designed for individuals who are either new to the network infrastructure sector or are seeking to develop their knowledge in relation to telecommunications networks.

For more information, please see www.cnet-training.com.

To register for the program or check for available dates please contact CNet Training on +44 (0) 1284 767100 or email [email protected] 

