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Namsos & Keysource Move to Investment Phase for New Edge Data Centre Development

Namsos & Keysource Move to Investment Phase for New Edge Data Centre Development



Namsos Datasenter (NDS), in partnership with Keysource, the global data centre and critical environment specialists, have announced the completion of their edge/colocation data centre blueprint and associated business plan. The next stage will involve discussions with investors, with a planned build completion date of 2023.

This will be the first of a number of planned collaborative Norwegian edge data centers from this partnership which, together with the development of the 5G mobile network, will provide the regions of Namsos and Namdalen in Norway, with a reputable and forward-looking foundation for ongoing technology development. The multi IT megawatt facility will provide industry leading efficiency and sustainability.

It is designed to provide the platform required for the implementation and integration of smart systems through infrastructure, buildings, resource management, transportation and public services, enabling vital technologies such as future orientated surgery to be deployed in Namsos and beyond. It will contribute to the growth of technology-based jobs locally, whilst also supporting the regions businesses, community and wider datacentres in Norway.

Stephen Lorimer, Technical Director at Keysource, said: “We have now completed the blueprint and business case and all the key components such as the land and utilities are in place. Subject to investor funding we are ready to start the build and this facility will be operational in 2023. We will also be responsible for operating it on completion.”

Håvard Vannebo, Chairman at NDS, said: “Keysource have an extensive capability and experience both in Europe and the Nordics and are a strong partner for us. Working together we have developed a design that is both innovative and sustainable and will greatly benefit the region.”
