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REPORT - Green IT Global publishes best practices - What's up in Green IT 2018

      By Amanda

    Green IT Global has published an overview of best practices in the field of Green IT. By doing so, the organisation - a multi-country alliance on Green IT in practice between Alliance Green IT (France), Green IT Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Green IT SIG (Switzerland) and Sustainability for London (United Kingdom) - aims to give an impulse to making the ICT industry in general and data centres in particular more sustainable.

    Over Green IT Global

    Green IT Global is a not-for-profit coalition of Green IT focused organisations forming a collaborative ecosystem network. Green IT Global is an initiative started by Alliance Green IT (France), Green IT Amsterdam (Netherlands), Green IT Switzerland (Switzerland) and Sustainability for London (United Kingdom). We believe that by joining forces and sharing opportunities, in addition to through our individual organisations, we create a strong hub of Green IT expertise which can consolidate and amplify across countries, regions and sectors. As a result we have now established the Green IT Global network, with our main objective ‘to be the ecosystem of knowledge sharing on Green IT, and a driving force for innovation and sustainability’. Please find our downloadable Manifesto here.

    Over Green IT Amsterdam

    Green IT Amsterdam is a non-profit organization that supports the wider Amsterdam region in realizing its energy transition goals. Our mission is to scout, test and showcase innovative IT solutions for increasing energy efficiency and decreasing carbon emissions. We share knowledge, expertise and ambitions, for achieving these sustainability targets with our public and private Green IT Leaders.

    Contact: Julie Chenadec - [email protected]


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