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Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

DCA DCT22 - Panel Session - A Digital Strategy for the UK

For those delegates who wish to revisit or who missed this panel session   This is the slide deck  presented by John Booth who chaired the session on the day at the 2022 Data Centre Transformation Conference hosted at the IET in Birmingham on the 12th May 2022 . 

John Booth was joined by Expert Panelists which included:

Ian Dabson, Projects Director Infrastructureand Projects Authority.gov.uk (IPA), 
Raj Mack, Head of Digital Innovation and Partnership, Birmingham City Council,
James Rix, Project Director, Arcadis,
Derek Webster 
and Tom Glover, Senior Director, JLL

For more information and to discuss the content further, please either contact the DCA or John Booth directly [email protected]  We can also put you in contact with any of the Expert Panelists upon request so please just contact either the DCA or John Booth Chair of the DCA Energy Efficiency Special Interest Group. 

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