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Priorities for energy security in the UK - market efficiency and diversity, innovation and policy development

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Thursday, 9th May 2019
09:00 to 13:00
Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum
Contact details:
Central London
Registration link:

Delegates will discuss what is needed from policy on the development of energy markets to support cost-effective energy security, including the results of the Capacity Market (CM) review. They will consider key issues around energy diversity, designing effective market incentives, and what is needed from policy and within the sector and its supply chain. With the recent European Union ruling suspending the CM for violating state aid regulations they will also consider the future of incentive schemes and auctions in the UK, and the potential consequences for energy diversity goals and decarbonisation obligations.

The agenda also looks at opportunities for regulators and electricity network operators to cooperate on grid infrastructure security to keep pace with shifts in the UK energy system landscape towards smart and disruptive technologies. We expect discussion on the impact of innovation in system flexibility in addressing challenges around balancing supply and demand, as well as the developing role of energy sector services like demand side response, market intelligence data and energy storage technology in supporting system security. Further sessions explore how industry code reform could support developments in wholesale and retail markets, as demand patterns change and distributed generation becomes more common, as well as the challenges that changing relations with international energy exporters might present to security of supply.

The continued role of traditional energy sectors like oil and gas will also be considered, and how announcements in the 2018 Budget might unlock investment in the North Sea and reinforce national energy security objectives.
