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Cadance is a software company that believes the successful design and operation of systems, from chip to data center, lies in predicting the impact of change.
We created a tool optimized for data centers, designed to be used by the data center professional, and made it powerful, intelligent, automated and connected.
Five years later, we tuned our technology to deliver the same benefits to the thermal management of electronics and provide an integrated toolset for these two converging industries.
Our solution creates a digital twin of your data center that provides a collaborative framework and the necessary design tools to drive informed, real-time decisions regarding thermal risk and capacity utilization. Cadance’ software virtualizes the entire data center ecosystem: your components, your data center, your power and cooling network; everything.
The 6Sigma Digital Twin enables you to predict the impact of change by visualizing and quantifying performance, without risk.
Used by data center owner/operators, colocation providers, consultants and vendors alike, our product suite streamlines data center design, as well as day-to-day data center operations management.
Categories: Articles, Best Practice, Colocation & Hosting, Cooling, Data Centre Operator, Design and Construction, Energy Efficiency, Facilities Management, Power
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