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Data Centre Webinar - ‘Complete Digital Lighting Ecosystems for the Modern Mission Critical Facility’

Data Centre Webinar - ‘Complete Digital Lighting Ecosystems for the Modern Mission Critical Facility’



Tuesday 20th October 2020 from 11:00am - 12:00pm BST Zumtobel Lighting in partnership with DataCentres Ireland, will be holding a webinar specifically aimed at Data Centre operators, facility managers and specifiers.

Entitled ‘Complete Digital Lighting Ecosystems for the Modern Mission Critical Facility’, the webinar will be hosted by Zumtobel’s Data Centre lighting experts Steve Mansell and Niall Sheridan. This presentation will help you integrate intelligent lighting systems and services in to your facility that will enable you to highlight and represent your brand whilst providing a safe and secure scheme, encompassing controls and emergency backup. The presentation will focus on eco-friendly lighting solutions that are tailored for each space, ensuring that the task area and the lit environment has the appropriate luminaire.

NB: As this webinar is supported by DataCentres Ireland you agree for your information to be shared with the organising company Stepex Ltd

Please register your place here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2655173656474851853
