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OCP to discuss New Whitepaper on Data Center Energy Efficiency in Europe during OCP Regional Summit in Amsterdam

OCP to discuss New Whitepaper on Data Center Energy Efficiency in Europe during OCP Regional Summit in Amsterdam

This white paper brings attention to the needs to continually address energy consumption and points out upcoming regulations that impact EU data centers. We are pleased to announce that the OCP Regional Summit (Amsterdam October 1st and 2nd) has several tracks that will address these concerns and provide valuable information for data center operators and developers.    

The Europe Focus track is dedicated to providing information specific to the EU market. Rahib Bashroush, Director of the Enterprise Computing Research Lab, and Davide Polverini, Policy Officer for the European Commission will present  “Energy Efficiency and EU Policy affecting Data Centers.” Liz Cruz from IHSmarkit will present findings from the European Data Center Energy Efficiency Assessment, recently completed on behalf of OCP, and we will have a session from the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) Energy Efficiency.

The OCP OpenRack architecture being deployed around the globe is already addressing the directives plans for 2019 and beyond.  By replacing PSU’s in each IT device, a centralized power shelf provides AC to DC conversion for the entire rack, delivering energy efficiency, power factor correction, and phase balancing. The Rack and Power Track will present several sessions on the OpenRack mechanical and power specification, standardization and interoperability efforts, and a new power shelf from Schneider Electric.   
The OCP Data Center Facility (DCF) Project is slated to discuss guidelines that colo providers can follow to achieve best efficiency as well as a self-assessment and recognition process for colo facilities with other topics that impact efficiency being covered.  
The demands being placed on IT departments to offer artificial intelligence/deep learning capability could cause increased energy demand until a better method to cool these devices are developed. OCP launched a new project on Advanced Cooling which will co-sponsor a track with the HPC project.
