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The Green Data Centre Stakeholder Group Kicks Off

The Green Data Centre Stakeholder Group Kicks Off

The CATALYST consortium is establishing the Green Data Centre – Stakeholder Group (GDC-SG) to bring under one roof data centre owners and managers, Distribution System Operators and heat network operators, utilities, energy retailers and Energy Service Companies, Smart Cities and regulatory representatives. 

The mission is to contribute to the vision of Green Data Centres as engaged players in the energy transition towards decarbonization of the society. More specifically the aim is to discuss and resolve technological, business and regulatory challenges arising from the integration of data centres as key actors in the energy domain and smart infrastructures of the future.
The GDC-SG members will federate initiatives, wrap-up essential orientations and communicate toward the industry, the authorities, and the standardization groups to share, defend and drive the technical and programmatic orientation as defined within the group.

The CATALYST consortium partners, as the group’s founding members, organize the GDC-SG kick-off event inviting professionals from all around Europe. During this event the group will be officially established, its creation manifesto debated and initial activities outlined. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at Amsterdam. Reserve your spot now!
The CATALYST project envisions a future of truly sustainable growth of the data centre industry in Europe. The next generation of data centres should, by design, utilize resources effectively, while ensuring seamless integration with their smart city ecosystem. In this context, simply focusing on energy reduction and efficiency practices applied only within the boundaries of one’s data centre, is no longer an option for those with the ambition to own and operate the Green Data Centres of the future. Silos must be broken down for data centres to reach their full potential capitalizing on their unique position as overlaying multiple networks: IT, electricity and heat.

The CATALYST consortium aspires for data centres to become flexible energy hubs, which can sustain investments in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Leveraging on results of past projects, CATALYST will adapt, scale up, deploy and validate an innovative technological and business framework that enables data centres to offer a range of mutualized energy services to both electricity and heat grids, while simultaneously increasing their own resiliency to energy supply. Taking up a pivotal role within the energy transition will bring opportunities for energy efficient data centres to not only reduce their operating costs and improve their performance and efficient use of resources, but also create new revenue streams through recovered energy reuse and energy flexibility services offerings.

"Data centres can and should offer energy flexibility services to their smart grid and district heating networks"
Become the catalyst to energy transition! Support Green Data Centres in Europe! Join the Green Data Centre Stakeholder Group!
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If you would like more information about this topic, visit the CATALYST project website at http://project-catalyst.eu/

