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CNet Training Invests to Support Continued Growth in North America

CNet Training Invests to Support Continued Growth in North America

David Lee - VP New Business North America


CNet is recognized as the global leader in technical education for the digital infrastructure industry, comprising the data center and network infrastructure sectors. The company delivers Instructor-led, classroom based technical education programs across the world, ranging from entry level data center fundamentals through to the worlds’ only masters degree in data center leadership and management. 

Since launching in the United States in 2005 CNet has experienced exceptional growth, today the company’s North America business equates to over 55% of its global business as it continues to deliver a full schedule of programs in education centers spanning the country.  

David is well-seasoned within the digital infrastructure industry, including working as Sales Director at Rittal for over ten years. His appointment coincides with CNet’s announcement of further growth plans which have a strong focus on the United States, and the recent launch of CNet’s new live virtual classroom delivery, allowing learners to remote into the actual classroom environment from wherever they are.

David will utilize this industry experience and knowledge to spread awareness of programs from the Global Digital Infrastructure Education Framework across North America and will work with organizations to find the right technical education programs to advance and professionally certify their data center teams.       

Andrew Stevens, President and CEO of CNet Training adds, “This is an exciting time for CNet, as our momentum and brand reputation continues to grow rapidly across North America.  David will add strength to the CNet team and will accelerate our ambitious expansion plans even further.”    

