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Next steps for supporting UK tech sector trade and investment

By Steve Hone

Date / Time:
Friday, 30th April 2021
08:30 to 13:00
Westminster Forum Projects
Contact details:
Peter van Gelder, Director, Westminster eForum
Registration link:

It will be a timely opportunity to assess the landscape of the UK tech sector - as well as priorities for government support and initiatives, and for attracting investment - With the end of transition from the EU, and the UK’s new positioning in global markets.

Areas for discussion include:

  • opportunities - how can UK tech businesses tap into new demands domestically and in global markets, particularly with the pandemic increasing the need for innovation and new ways of working
  • the UK’s international competitiveness - and priorities for future trade deals and negotiations, and the UK’s positioning in emerging economies, including Asia Pacific
  • maintaining momentum - building on strong investment trends in UK tech going forward
  • spreading benefits across the UK - encouraging investment in the tech industry across the regions and nations, and linking with local industrial strategies and City Deals
  • SMEs - assessing the support they need to access global markets and investment
  • skills - looking at attracting global and domestic talent, diversity, and educational pathways and professional development

The discussion is bringing together stakeholders with policy officials who are due to attend from DIT; BEIS; the Cabinet Office; DCMS; the DfE; the DfT; GCHQ; the Geospatial Commission; the Government Legal Department; HMRC; the Home Office; the MoD; the MoJ; and the Welsh Government.
