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Webinar - Why Intelligent Power is Smart Business in Today’s Remote-Working World

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Thursday, 12th November 2020
16:00 to 17:00
Chatsworth Products
Registration link:

In times of uncertainty, when recent global events have resulted in more voluntary and required remote work and difficulty getting personnel on site, the need to have all data in one place has increased in a hurry. Wireless monitoring with intelligent power distribution units (PDUs) that gather data and asset tracking to aide in remotely managing the data center are both vital aspects in ensuring business as usual.

Join Chatsworth Products’ (CPI) Ashish Moondra and RF Code’s Marty Johnstone for a timely presentation discussing the cost savings and comparisons of remote management solutions, the need for power and capacity planning and the value of a smart rack solution to meet the needs of today’s (and tomorrow’s) power demands.
