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A brief introduction to the thermodynamics principle

By Tamara Gascó

Date / Time:
Tuesday, 27th October 2020
18:00 to 19:00
Contact details:
Registration link:

High temperatures in electronics have always been a problem for their performance and lifespan. Historically, for electronics, fans and heatsinks were good enough. In the present times, though, the computational density required by the new digital trends (AI, Iot, Edge, ML, etc.) is getting higher and higher. The chips are required to operate at their maximum, and one of the known problems is that temperature affects their performance. Those chips can withstand high temperatures, but would not it be great to have them operating in a very comfortable environment?

Join Jaime Pita, Sr. Thermal Engineer, and Daniel Pope, CEO of Submer for our monthly educational webinar around the thermodynamics principles behind Submer’s Immersion Cooling technology.

Webinar around the thermodynamics principles


  • Date: 10/27/2020
  • Time: 09:00am PDT, 12:00am EDT, 18:00 CET
  • Duration: 45-60 minutes


October is the Thermodynamics Month at Submer!

If thermodynamics is your thing, or if you want to know more around it, download our new white paper “The Convection Principle: What it is and how it applies to Submer’s Immersion Cooling Technology” in the SmartTools section of our website. Don’t miss it!

