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Data infrastructure post-COVID

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Thursday, 16th July 2020
11:00 to 12:00
Contact details:
Emma Fryer [email protected]
Registration link:



COVID-19 presented data centre operators with a number of challenges: demand for services and capacity increased significantly whilst restrictions on movement threatened to disrupt supply chains and access.  Urgent negotiations with Government resulted in the immediate establishment of a dedicated team within DCMS who rapidly obtained key worker status, protection for construction projects and quarantine exemptions for the sector.

This marked a seismic change in the sector’s relationship with government, but what does this really mean? What did we learn, collectively, from COVID-19?  What policy changes will be needed to protect the sector’s resilience and competitiveness in future and how are these likely to be implemented? What are the implications for operators, the supply chain that supports them and the customers who depend on them?


This is the 13th of a techUK series of webinars discussing the world in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Join us for a free webinar with an expert panel:


This webinar is open to all. If you are unable to register please contact Zoe Brockbank. Joining details for this online event will be sent separately to your booking confirmation.
