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Supply Chain Resilience: Briefing and discussion with DCMS

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Wednesday, 15th July 2020
14:00 to 15:30
Contact details:
Emma Fryer [email protected]
Registration link:


DCMS is inviting operators, suppliers and customers to participate in a session to discuss the resilience of stock and supplies to the UK's data centre sector. Prompted by Coronavirus response work, the UK government is running a series of deep-dives into different sectors, to stress test the availability of essential components and tech under a range of scenarios.

This is a policy priority across government and multiple departments are cooperating to identify the measures and develop strategies to minimise supply chain vulnerabilities in future. This briefing is for operators, suppliers and customers in the data centre space and will include an update on government thinking and set out the policy measures currently being considered. 

It will be crucial to hear from both the supply and demand side of the Data Centre sector, so please use the link below to register if you are able to attend, as a larger cast list will lead to a richer discussion.



1          Policy focus

  • Rationale, objectives and timelines - why is govt doing this, what future scenarios are we preparing for, which departments are involved
  • Supply chain vulnerabilities identified - what generic/systemic issues have been exposed by the pandemic
  • Target sectors and supply chains - which sectors are in focus
  • Implications for data centre operators, suppliers and customers 

2          Q&A / discussion

3          Actions, next steps and timelines

Please use the green "ticket" tab to book. Access details will be sent separately from the confirmation.  If you are struggling to register, please get in touch with [email protected] or [email protected] 


