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Webinar - Linear and Circular Economies for Data Centres in 2030

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Tuesday, 2nd June 2020
11:00 to 12:00
Contact details:
Registration link:


About this Event

The Data Centre Industry has grown rapidly and generates a large volume of eWaste / WEEE (waste of electrical and electronic equipment). The current infrastructure for dealing with this waste is underdeveloped and consequently, there is a real and urgent need to address this now.

This short virtual event will bring together stakeholders from across London's Data Centre Industry (DCI). You'll hear about the proposed linear and circular economy scenarios for the industry, and become part of the solution towards achieving circular data centres.

This event is an ideal introduction into the circular economy movement within the DCI.


• Linear and Circular Economies for the Data Centres in 2030

• Current CE practices in the DCI and how to improve them

• Wrap-up and Q&A


Part of #CEWeekLDN.


Dr Deborah Andrews, Associate Professor of Design, School of Engineering at London South Bank University

Deborah has 20+ years’ experience in sustainable design and manufacture and the Circular Economy and is proud to be a Chartered Environmentalist. She is engaged in related research, enterprise and teaching activities and has worked with the data centre industry since 2010, which includes supervising an EPSRC-funded PhD about the Life Cycle Assessment of Data Centres.

Deborah also supervises industry-funded PhDs and has led a number of highly successful Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnerships developing sustainable and Circular products and services with SMEs in the refrigeration, energy saving and solar shading sectors as well as sustainable design tools for IDC (Industrial Design Consultancy). Deborah also teaches and champions sustainability to under and post-graduate students on product design and engineering courses.


Astrid Wynne, Sustainability Lead at Techbuyer

Astrid is the sustainability lead at Techbuyer, a global company that specialises in buying, refurbishment and selling data centre IT hardware. The company is a high growth employer headquartered in Harrogate, North Yorkshire which is dedicated to vocational training and collaborating on academic research.

Astrid represents the company on a number of research collaborations including the three-year Interreg funded CEDaCI project led by London South Bank University of which Techbuyer is an Associate Partner. She also chairs Techbuyer’s KTP with the University of East London. Astrid has submitted evidence to the Circular 4.0: Data-driven Intelligence for a Circular Economy lead by the University of Exeter, the Climate Protection Potentials of Digital Transformation (CliDiTrans) lead by Bordersteps Institute in Germany, and the Environmental Audit Committee’s inquiry into electronic waste and the circular economy.

She writes on digital sustainability for the industry press with a particular focus on materials usage and the embodied energy in ICT.

About CEDaCI

CEDaCI is a multi-disciplinary network that brings together actors and experts from all life cycle stages and sub-sectors directly and indirectly associated with Europe's Data Centre Industry.

Network membership will help you to make the best choices to develop and grow your business' sustainability.

Find out more and join the forum at www.cedaci.org.

CEDaCI is funded by Interreg North-West Europe, London South Bank University, Aliter Networks, Dialasheep, Green IT Amsterdam, Operational Intelligence, TEAM2, WeLoop and Wuppertal Institute.

