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Change Management in Data Centres - New Date 2nd November 2020

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Tuesday, 21st April 2020
09:00 to 17:30
Conference and Exhibition
Contact details:
Peter Davies [email protected]
1 America Square, London EC3N 2LB
1 America Square, London EC3N 2LB
Registration link:
Speed, agility, flexibility and scalability – the building blocks of today’s customer-centric, digital business.
21st April 2020 - 1 America Square, London EC3N 2LB
A unique event, organised by Digitalisation World and supported by the Data Centre Alliance, designed to educate busy IT and data centre professionals as to the threats and opportunities of the current key technology disruptors as they impact on the data centre. The primary objective is to cut through the hype and misinformation out there providing attendees with a realistic assessment of what’s going on now and, critically, what’s likely to happen in the future, and over what timescale. Thanks to the combination of its London/city location and a substantial, well-researched delegate database, Change Management in the Data Centre will deliver a large audience of senior data centre and IT professionals, attracted by the powerful, one-day conference programme, which delivers a compelling overview of the many technology developments and challenges facing the modern digital business, and also presents a set of technology ideas and solutions to help address these challenges.
The event is aimed at data centre and IT professionals tasked with understanding the rapidly changing technology landscape, with a view to ensuring that the marriage of data centres and IT infrastructure is a dynamic and positive force for any business committed to digital transformation.
Data Centre owners/operators
Other Data Centre professionals
Board level facilities and IT executives
IT operations managers
Exhibit at this unique event, spaces limited: http://dcsevent.com/sponsors
Change Management in the Data Centre will enable delegates to understand more about intelligent automation (AI, IoT, blockchain, RPA, AR/VR), modern storage, compute and network developments, 5G and the edge, and how they will impact on the data centre. The day starts with the digital business drivers, moves on to the technologies and ideas which are making these happen, and concludes by providing some ideas as to how the data centre can adapt to best meet the needs of the customer-driven business through speed, agility, flexibility and scalability.
Contact us:   [email protected]  or +44 (0)2476 718970

