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Edge Asia 2019

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Thursday, 11th April 2019
09:00 to 18:00
Pan Pacific Hotel
7 Raffles Blvd, Marina Square, Singapore 039595
Registration link:

As data is generated at ever more exponential rates, and globally moves us towards the age of Yottabyte, so compute processing power disperses across enterprise, and cloud resources shift closer to the user. Massive amounts of data draw compute in, away from the core, which is the Edge. This trend for a more distributed architecture will multiply and expand as the convergence of new technologies and developments such as IoT, 5G, AI, autonomous cars and smart cities, connected things, microdatacenters and Edge facilities, enable new ways of analysing and managing data as well as increasing latency which existing infrastructure would not be able to handle.

With strong market drivers, the shift to Edge represents the most profound change that will impact possibly for decades to come. Early deployment particularly evident in North America is expected to achieve significant growth over the next 5 years globally with industry predictions of connections to 25 billion devices, and 50 billion installed or embedded sensors.

