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Anti Contamination & Cleaning SIG

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Tuesday, 25th September 2018
09:00 to 11:00
Contact details:
Amanda McFarlane [email protected]
Room G15, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College, London
Kensington, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Registration link:

The DCA Anti Contamination and Cleaning SIG is chaired by Gary Hall, Divisional Director Critical Solutions at ABM UK.

This SIG discusses, advises and recommends practical solutions on the control of dust, dirt and contamination related to the Data Centre Sector. In particular, preventing damage to equipment; loss of data and conservation of energy.

9.00am Registration and Refreshments

9.30am Meeting Starts

11.00pm Meeting Finish

Attendees are welcome to attend any other relevant SIG's starting at 11.30 and then make their way to the Civil Engineering Building (Skempton Building) Concourse Level 2 for lunch at 1.00pm.

2.00pm DCA Annual Members Meeting in Skempton Lecture Theatre 201 for information and to register click here.


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