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How to Earn Revenue from Stored Power in UPS Systems and Generators for Grid Services

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Tuesday, 26th June 2018
10:00 to 11:00
Partner Event
Contact details:
Hannah Sharland [email protected]
Registration link:

Title: How to Earn Revenue from Stored Power in UPS Systems and Generators for Grid Services

Date: 26th June 2018 

Time: Live from 10:00 AM BST, if you can’t listen live register anyway and you’ll be sent an on-demand recording so you can catch up at your leisure. 


Researchers expect power consumption to triple in the next five years as one billion more people come online in developing countries and the tsunami of “internet of things” (IoT) and mobile devices. Undoubtedly, power-hungry data centres are going to witness this increased demand with the expected rise of billions of more connected devices and machines over the coming years. It is of utmost importance for data centre owners and operators to optimise their energy costs and take advantage of the opportunity to utilise renewable energy, preserving the energy availability and resilience of the grid.

In our webcast, we will be discussing how data centres and power-intensive users can enable their idle power assets for grid services whilst achieving cost savings and unlocking additional revenue streams from the grid 

Join the Vertiv™ Critical Advantage Webcast for all of the answers.

This webcast will provide insight into:

How the technology in a traditional UPS systems can deliver both front-of-meter & behind-the-meter energy storage applications

The role of lithium-ion in battery storage

Utility research and future projections in Europe

Presenters: Emiliano Cevenini - Vice President Sales, Commercial & Light Industrial and Valerio Zerillo - Product Manager, AC Power

Register Now
