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Drive Forward Webinar Series - How to Increase Efficiency and Lower Cooling Costs in Your Data Center

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Thursday, 21st June 2018
16:00 to 17:00
Partner Event
Chatsworth Products
Registration link:

Enhance your expertise in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and industrial applications with Chatsworth Products’ (CPI) Drive Forward Webinar Series. 

By attending the webinars of your choice, you'll be able to participate in relevant discussions impacting today's ICT and industrial infrastructure industries, including the right path to efficient data center management, how to design a reliable networking infrastructure and what to consider when storing equipment at the edge of the network or in harsh environments, among other topics. Recorded sessions will also be available. 

How to Increase Efficiency and Lower Cooling Costs in Your Data Center

June 21, 2018; 10.00 -11.00 am CST; 4.00-5.00pm BST

Anthem Inc. is undergoing a transformation in their data centers, migrating from open hot/cold aisles to contained aisles and cabinets. Their journey demonstrates the challenges faced by many air-cooled data centers.

Are you faced with the same challenge?

By attending this webinar, you'll see a real-world case demonstrating the benefits of:

Utilizing a data-driven approach in the planning and deployment of your containment strategies
Leveraging Variable Frequency Drives in air handlers to lower cooling costs
Transforming a data center into an easy-to-manage, contained space while minimizing CAPEX
The value of strong partnerships, and the importance they play in a successful outcome
Join CPI’s thermal expert, John Thompson, as he describes a unique design process and discusses challenges that can arise.
